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How Strong Are You?

I have been married for almost 2years now, to the Glory of God it has been fantastic. One of the things that has made it so successful would surprise you, it hasn't just been our love for each other, that has been secondary...it is the primary reason i want to talk about today.

I was studying the Bible a few weeks ago when i stumbled on a verse about the Strong man in Luke 11:20-22, i kept reading these verses until LIGHT came. The strong man which represents the enemy or a stronghold in your life keeps his possessions safe in your life until a STRONGER MAN comes and strips him of his weapons and carries off his belongings. In other words, the strong man would keep you in addictions, bad habits, the wrong lifestyle until a Stronger man comes to release you from them.

I kept asking "Who is this Stronger man?" I know i have the Holy Spirit within me, so is it Him? Has to be!!!
On sunday, during prayers in church...the lady leading it quoted Proverbs 24:5 & 10
Verse 5 says "A wise man is strong, Yes, a man of knowledge increases STRENGTH"
Hmmm, then my head burst when i heard verse 10 "If you fail under pressure, your strength is too small"
Get it? Strength = Knowledge

If your marriage is currently under pressure and it is getting beyond control, the solution is simple, get knowledge...you are operating in ignorance.
I believe that has been the core reason my marriage is working so far...before we got married, my wife was already a marriage expert "He who finds a wife (not girlfriend), finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord" - i read books, attended seminars, listened to advise from couples who were having awesome marriages...after the wedding we have continued this habit of wanting to know more, so we don't become stale.

A lot of marriages fail today and we blame the devil, we blame our spouses...but would it further surprise you to know that Hosea 4:6 doesn't say "My people perish because of the devil?, it actually says "My people perish because of a lack of knowledge"

If your marriage is currently in trouble, seek to know more about what God says about it, if its your business, ministry, children, purpose etc The answer is in the Bible, KNOW the truth and let it set you free!!!

The Intersection "Where Your World Meets The WORD!!!"

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