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Seek First

When an immigrant becomes a citizen of the United States, they automatically have access to certain privileges like healthcare, insurance, mortgage, cars etc
But if this person was ignorant of what s(he) now had access to, it would be available but not utilised.

Jesus' number 1 mission on earth, was to bring the Kingdom of Heaven down to us...He was always talking about the Kingdom and how His Kingdom worked.

I believe it was very instructive when he told us in Matthew 6:33 to seek His Kingdom first.

We should seek to become a citizen of His Kingdom so we can have access to the benefits of His perfect government...an environment where we won't have to worry about tomorrow, what we will drink, eat or wear.

The objective of this platform is to help encourage you Seek Gods Kingdom & Righteousness First, so that you can unconsciously begin to know your rights as citizens, if you are not a citizen yet...you get to see what you could have, by simply making an informed decision to accept the ambassador "Jesus" as your Saviour, so that your passport can get stamped and grant you access to enjoy your rights as citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven.

A few weeks ago, i decided to spend time with God first thing in the mornings, i made a decision to obey this instruction and see if it actually worked. It has been one of the best decisions i have ever made...i have gotten so much revelation about the Kingdom of God and how it runs, it has literally changed my perspective on life and how i now approach things.

I will be sharing my journey with you guys and my prayer is that we can all go on this journey together. I currently use the S.O.A.P model to study the Bible (Pls watch the video below to find out more about it).

It is actually an acronym that stands for (S)cripture, (O)bservation, (A)pplication, (P)rayer, and i have added (K) to it, which i'm sure you've already guessed stands for (K)ingdom.

Every morning i meditate on a particular verse(s), i take notes of my observations, i then think of how i can apply my observations to my life, Pray about it and finally deduce a Kingdom principle out of it.

I would like us all to follow this structure, and if you feel led to share, i would be happy to post your insights on here for the edification of others. Pls send your (S.O.A.P)s to Muyiwawrites@gmail.com with SOAP as the Subject.

And finally, i love it when the Word of God works for someone, it has the Power to transform lives and build faith in the hearts of others. This verse has promises that have worked for me and i believe will work for you as well. We cannot worry or lack if we follow this principle, so i believe your life is going to experience some changes as you begin to obey this instruction from Jesus, pls share with us so we can show the World that the Word actually Works!!!

Look forward to hearing from you and reading your comments. God bless you!!!

- Muyiwa

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