Is It Possible To Hear Good News And Not Share It?
About 4months ago, my wife and I received the biggest shock of our lives...the scan in Lagos, Nigeria had shown us we were having a baby girl, but about 5mins after our baby had been born...i had actually cut the umbilical cord when i noticed there was a ding a ling...Hold on, is that a belly button??? Is he a boyyyyyy?????? I don't think any of the nurses would ever forget my reaction to this NEWS!!!
Almost immediately I called my Dad to inform him of the greatest upset since Leicester won the Premier League 😀, and that was it...from that moment on, we were getting phone calls non stop...our parents had all of a sudden become Whistle Blowers for the government (Only if they could blow correct whistle that will bring something
Here's where i'm going...the moment you hear about the Good News of Christ, it is supposed to spark a response from you that would instigate your sharing ability...but what we see are people who claim to have received the Good News but either don't seem too excited about it or are unwilling to share it with others.
Could it be that you are not as excited about the Good News of Christ simply because you don't really understand it? Or have you by chance been told a very diluted version of it?
If it doesn't sound like Good News yet, continue searching until it does...thats my personal testimony, i continued seeking until i found a treasure that was so special i gave up everything i had just to lay hold of it
“It’s news I’m most proud to proclaim, this extraordinary Message of God’s powerful plan to rescue everyone who trusts him, starting with Jews and then right on to everyone else! God’s way of putting people right shows up in the acts of faith, confirming what Scripture has said all along: “The person in right standing before God by trusting him really lives.””
Romans 1:16-17 MSG
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"Seek First" is a platform inspired from Matthew 6:33 where we are encouraged to Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, live r...
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